Scroll below to find out more about our Safeguarding procedures and policies.

Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility.

The policy below details the Safeguarding and Child Protection Procedures we undertake at our school.

If you think a child is in immediate danger, don't delay - call the police via 999 or the NSPCC via 0808 800 5000 straight away.

Hampshire County Council Children’s Services can be contact by calling 03005551384. Out of Hours number - 03005551373.

Lead Designated Safeguarding Lead Officers across the Learning Federation Partnership of Schools:

Gerida Montague, Sarah Hendricks, Caroline Firman, Jo McNicholas & Paul Lodge

OLSJ Designated Safeguarding Lead Officers:

Sarah Hendricks, Hollie Calton & Bev Walker

Our Safeguarding Team will listen to any concerns you have about members of our school community in a confidential manner.

The safety and well being of our children is our highest priority at all times. We have a range of safeguarding measures in place and robust child protection procedures.

As a school we have a responsibility to inform children and family services if we have concerns about the welfare and safety of a child in our school.  We  ensure the protection of children through:

  • A SAFE ENVIRONMENT: for children where they can learn and develop

  • RAISING AWARENESS: give children the knowledge they need to stay safe

  • ROBUST PROCEDURES: to identify and report suspected abuse

  • SUPPORTING CHILDREN: in line with their Child Protection Plan in cases of abuse

  • SAFE RECRUITMENT: based on a system of both DBS and employment checks

For your child’s safety we ask all visitors to ensure they enter through the main entrance to the school and report to a member of the office staff, signing into the visitors’ log and receiving a visitors’ badge if required.