Elizabeth II's Commemorative Tree.

A very special thank you to the Catholic Women's League who bought the school a beautiful willow tree. They previously donated us a beautiful tree for our orchard, as part of our Jubilee Celebrations for 'The Queen's Green Canopy'. 

Our new willow tree arrived at the school just as Queen Elizabeth II passed away and therefore we thought it apt to add another tree to Her Majesty's Canopy and to name this tree for her.

Each class had a purple ribbon to tie onto the willow, with each child's name written upon it, to pay their respects to the Queen. We tied these ribbons to the willow tree at our ceremonial planting this morning. Each year group then read a special prayer that they had written in the Queen's honour. Many thanks to the Catholic Women's League for such a special gift, which we will treasure. 


Wednesday Word - Week 1


Year R Phonics.