Year 2 blog:

Year 2 enjoyed a wonderful time at Marwell Zoo! The children were able to apply their knowledge of animal classifications and characteristics from their prior learning and spot these animals around the zoo in their different enclosures. We also met with Zoo Keeper Julian who shared with us lots of fascinating facts about the different animals we saw in the tropical house!

Ahead of our school trip to Marwell Zoo, the children became experts on an animal of their choosing. In pairs, the children selected one of the incredible animals at Marwell Zoo and using books and internet searchers created a detailed fact sheet all about their chosen animal. The children shared these in pairs to each other at the zoo, becoming their very own 'zoologists'. Some of us even took our own notebooks and pencils to record how we saw the animals behaving as well as checking off which animals we had seen. Did you know that animals are often identified by their unique differences in order to support conservation work? This helps them to track how many different types of species still exist today.

The children then used their computing skills on returning to school to create a presentation which we shared with some of the younger children at the school.


Prayer leaders blog:


Year 6 gardening update: