Harvest Mass:

Lord of the Harvest, thank you for your generosity to us. For all the good things that you have given to us. From the plants that grow, to the foods we eat, and those who sit alongside us. Help us to share what we have, being generous as you are generous to us.

Today we met as a school family led in Harvest Mass by Father David. This year, we held a tin drive for our non school uniform day. Our tin drive donations will go to New Forest food bank to help support those in the local community. We have begun to see the fruits of our hard work and were able to harvest pumpkins and onions for the food bank from our school grounds. We hope we are able to prepare further and additional beds this year, in order to upscale sustainable living and growing onsite, in order to support our local community. 

We gave thanks for the earth that God has created. For the beauty that we see around us. For the animals and the plants, the mountains and the valleys, the streams and the oceans. We prayed for help, so that we can care for the world around us, to protect it from harm, and to allow it to thrive. We endeavour to always make a difference in this world.

May we always remember to be thankful for what we have given, and for those who have worked to bring these foods from the ground to our plates. We pray for those who cannot afford enough food for themselves and their family – and ask that the gifts we have given today will bless those in our community who find themselves in that situation.

Thank you for the harvest.




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