Year 2 blog:

On Monday 23rd September, Year 2 had their amazing Science Day where they enjoyed being scientists for the day. They loved dressing up in lab coats and conducting experiments.

During the day, they learnt about different scientists and discovered the skills that were used to conduct experiments that made them famous and changed the way we understand the world around us. The scientist they enjoyed learning about the most was Sir Isaac Newton and his work on forces including gravity.

Throughout the day and during science lessons this term, the children have been developing their skills as scientists. They learnt how to raise scientific questions and then conduct experiments to confirm their predictions, make observations along with record and present results. By actively engaging in these skills, the children have not only deepened their scientific knowledge but also develop essential skills such as critical thinking, creativity, and perseverance.The children studied lava lamps and then conducted an experiment to make colourful rain in a glass using food colouring and oil. They were delighted by the colourful storm they had created and watch the colours dancing around.

Year 2’s favourite experiment from the day was investigating whether water could walk between cups. The children learnt about capillary action and how water can travel along paper towels due to the gaps within the fibres. As part of the investigation the children also observed how the colours from the individual cups mixed together.


Year 3 blog:


Prayer Leader blog: